So, the results are in

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earlier today, I texted my brother, I was having some computer issues, though I didn't know I was having issues, because I haven't really been able to get on the computer!! I love having "Goof" here, I hate not having access to my computer, or my cell phone.

You see, "Goof", has a girlfriend, and I guess girl's are more important than spending actual time with your mom you don't see on a daily basis, which is okay, that he has his girlfriend, she has been really good for him, it just sucks for me!!

But, my brother finally texted me back, and said that my mom was coming home today from the hospital, which is good!! The part that really stinks is that the biopsy results are in: and they are positive!! Which means, that what they removed, was the same cancer as my grandfather, and is hereditary, which also means, that my brother, sister & I, plus my mom's 2 sister's are all going to have to be tested. Which BLOWS!!

So, I have told you what I know, my family isn't very good about telling me things, because I moved away from Indiana, which is fine they want to be that way, the only family members I can count on for information, would be my brother and his wife. and sometimes "Goof" when he doesn't forget!! HE IS VERY FORGETFUL!! must be the teenage thing!

So now I guess, when we take "Goof" back to Indiana on Saturday, maybe I'll find out what I need to do, in order to get tested.

So this is what I know as of now, 11:17 pm. Hope everybodys Thursday was good!! my evening was ruined by MARCH MADNESS!! I miss not being able to watch CSI!!



~Tonja~ March 27, 2009 at 7:38 AM  

Hi Misty....
Sorry to hear the results....I hope you are able
to get tested and that all comes out good for you
and your family...keeping you in my thoughts and
Have a good day...
Prim Blessings...

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