
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well, I have been very busy today, I have been to the hair salon, getting my hair trimmed, not cut, just trimmed, I cannot let my sister win her bet, that I can't grow long hair!! I went to the supply store for a couple of scents that I was out of, I went to cvs, and bought hair color and frosting, (glutton for punishment!!) Hopefully if it is screwed up, I can go to the girls and they can fix it??!! hopefully, it's not screwed up yet!! BUT, I must be really desparate for a change, cuz I recruited hubby, to pull the strands of hair out, for the frosting, I think he was triny to pick my brain, and see if there was anything there!! lol

I have some work to do on the website tonite, the sale is ending, when I go to bed, and I am aggravated at the 2 local places I go to, as I can't get the scents I want, and have on my website, so now i'll have to re-do my scent list! WHich totally pisses me off, it's not I DON'T spend a lot of money in thier shops, I say I spend to much in their shops, and I can easily order my stuff on-line, but I choose to buy locally, for a reason! yeah, I'm a little gripey tonite.

So after midnit tonite, I will be starting my quit smoking task, not sure how this will go, I have cut back trememdously, (yeah its spelled wrong, I'm to lazy to backspace!). But it is still going to be a challenge!! You might want to start prayer requests for my husband! and most likely, my co-workers!! I have tried before, with no results, but I have to make this a priority.

The Sampler boxes go on sale tomarrow, this is no April fool's joke!! so if you are interested in getting a box, go to the button, on the left side of my blog, and click and you are on your way to your own Sampler box!!

Well, thats all for tonite, I have to finish making candles for some girl's I work with, yeah, I have been soliciting at work, which a major no-no, but I don't care. It's business, and I am not going to pass on a chance to make a few extra bucks!! Have a good evening!



Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well, its Saturday, the weekend is finally here, and today I am taking "Goof" back to Indiana, which sucks!! He just needs to move back here!!

On the upside, I won't be making the 3 1/2 hour trip, I'll be meeting my brother, sister-in-law, and neice, in Greenfield IN, which is the 1/2 way point. Of course, with my brother, there are always "stipulations!!", which is $20 for gas, and I have to buy them lunch, at Ponderosa!! which is okay with me!! I hadn't been to Ponderosa in years, they use to have one in Terre Haute, over by the mall, when I was attempting to go to business college, but they closed it, and there was another one, but that was on Wabash, and I just didn't like driving that far out of the way for Ponderosa!!! I use to think they were the bomb, and my brother still does!

So, I told "Goof" the plan, because my brother, sister-in-law, are taking their daughter to swim in Indy, so you know he'll to get to stay in a hotel room, where there is a hot tub, inside pool, you would think he would be excited?? But then......the girlfriend is pissed, he had me tell her the plan, so that way she wouldn't get mad at him for it??? RIDICULOUS!!! 15-16 year old kids, and you would think that their life is over, due to a sudden change in plans?? Yeah, I kinda remember that feeling a LONG time ago!! Hate to tell them, they'll get over it!

Well, the sale is almost up over on the website, it ends, March 31st, and so hurry over and take advantage!!

GOtta get "Goof's" stuff all ready, so I'll see ya all later, HAPPY SATURDAY!!


So, the results are in

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earlier today, I texted my brother, I was having some computer issues, though I didn't know I was having issues, because I haven't really been able to get on the computer!! I love having "Goof" here, I hate not having access to my computer, or my cell phone.

You see, "Goof", has a girlfriend, and I guess girl's are more important than spending actual time with your mom you don't see on a daily basis, which is okay, that he has his girlfriend, she has been really good for him, it just sucks for me!!

But, my brother finally texted me back, and said that my mom was coming home today from the hospital, which is good!! The part that really stinks is that the biopsy results are in: and they are positive!! Which means, that what they removed, was the same cancer as my grandfather, and is hereditary, which also means, that my brother, sister & I, plus my mom's 2 sister's are all going to have to be tested. Which BLOWS!!

So, I have told you what I know, my family isn't very good about telling me things, because I moved away from Indiana, which is fine they want to be that way, the only family members I can count on for information, would be my brother and his wife. and sometimes "Goof" when he doesn't forget!! HE IS VERY FORGETFUL!! must be the teenage thing!

So now I guess, when we take "Goof" back to Indiana on Saturday, maybe I'll find out what I need to do, in order to get tested.

So this is what I know as of now, 11:17 pm. Hope everybodys Thursday was good!! my evening was ruined by MARCH MADNESS!! I miss not being able to watch CSI!!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hey everyone!! Happy Tuesday.

Just wanted to let everyone know, that my mom's surgery went very good! They won't actually be able to tell, if the mass they took out was cancerous, until they do all the tests on it, bt hopefully it wasn't. But I will be sure to keep everyone notified. We spent most of the day, at the hospital, in Indy. I always knew that place was huge, but never expected it, to be that huge!! We got lost, we parked in the wrong place, so I guess in other words, that was just a typical Monday for me!!

We got home, oh I'd say probably around 9p.m. last night, and hubby actually fixed supper!! I was shocked. Can't get him to took on the days I work, but I guess when it has to do with family it's different, oh well, I appreciated his efforts, and his spahgetti was awesome!!

Just a quick note, that th pictures of my family were taken at my SISTERS house, not mine!! I was looking at the picture of "goof" & me, and thought that I had better clarify, I am for some unknown reason, a clean freak, my sister is not!! and we don't understand, where I cought the clean freak bug, because it was not inherited!! LOL!!! (but seriously, I had to point that out!!) My sister will just love that.

Well, I am off to pick up the house, or apartment I should say, I have already started laundry, and I am also, working on a candle order to, so I will talk to you all later, and THANK YOU for all of the prayers that my family and I have recieved!



Sunday, March 22, 2009

OK, so I have put pictures up of my 2 nephews, my neice, and "Goof" & his girlfriend Justine, and also a few pictures of my nephew Kaleb, & myself, and also of "goof" & myself. So enjoy!! You can find these pictures in the sidebars. The one of "Goof" & I is down at the bottom.


Today is the day!! M-D Candles, is ready to announce the winner of our very 1st giveaway!! Now remember, the winner will win $25, worth of products from our store, which you can find at: http://www.m-dcandles.com, so if you are the lucky winner, head over and start picking!! and if your not, well still head over!!

Okay, so I went to take a picture of "Goof" drawing the name, and the batteries, were DEAD!! my luck!! after a long discussion with "Goof", that I would not take pictures of him drawing, just his hand, after the camera wouldn't work, he was like "sweet!!" typical 16 year old!!

So the Winner is:............Estela!! Congratulations!!!

With that being said, I am off to notify Estela, that she won, and I'd like to thank everybody that participated in our 1st, of MANY giveaways!! Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 21, 2009

Hey everyone how is your Saturday? Mine is going very well, I have been finishing my samples today, and all I need to do, is go and get some printer ink!! I can't believe I forgot to pick it up, most days, I'm in a daze!! lol

I just wanted to let you all know that 2 Crazy Chics are sponsoring an EASTER EGG HUNT!! That is soooo cool!! The last time I was at an egg hunt, was when "Goof" thought it was still fun, and believed in the "easter bunny"!! If you have noticed, there are a few eggs posted on this blog, and on my website, so if you are still a kid at heart, then you will have fun finding these eggs!! and there will be a very nice "surprise" for the winner!! Okay the Egg Hunt runs from March 25-April 5, 2009, so get involved and have fun!! Here is the address: http://www.therustyrooster.com/easteregghunt.htm

Well, I am off to a cookout with friends, and later this evening I will post pictures of my new nephew, and his big brother and sister, and I WAS able to get pictures of "Goof", with his girlfriend & of course his wacky mom!! so until later this evening, Have a good one!!

See Ya!!

Another Week Done!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

Well I have finished another week!! Now starting tonite, I have 5 days off!! whoop-peee!! Tomarrow morning I will make the 3 1/2 hour drive to Indiana, to pick up my son, who will be spending his spring break with us!! We are always excited and happy to have him over, I miss him DAILY!!!

Then this weekend, I will be finishing my samples up for the sampler box, and I am going to have my friend mail them off for me Monday, since my son & I will be making a trip to the IU Medical Center for my mother's surgery, that will be a LONG DAY!!! Tuesday, well I 'll be resting up!! getting ready to go back into work Wednesday. I only have 2 days next week, which is kind of a bummer, but then again not really, cuz I will have time to spend with "Goof", (my nickname for my son).

Tomarrow, I get to meet my new nephew for the 1st time, and I have already told my sister, that I was taking pictures of little Kaleb, and his big brother & sister to put up here on the blog, to show them off, like a proud Aunt should!! So yes, I did not forget, there will be pictures, and if you are all lucky, you may even see my ugly mug in a few!! lol

Okay, Goof doesn't know it yet, but he will be drawing the name of the lucky winner, I have been working on writing all the names down, SEVERAL times, in order to make sure all entries are accounted for, so remember get our blog out there, there is still time left for the drawing, winner will be drawn Sunday!! So spread the word!!

I haven't talked to PA-Heather (Willow Lakes), so I'm not sure how her 1st 3-11 shift went, if her 8 hour day was like mine, she was tired!! Hopefully she wasn't on a PYSCH unit!! (yah, I know, I'm looking at how I just spelled it, doesn't look right does it??) Can't expect to much out of me, I've been up since 5am Thursday, (guess it's still technically Thursday). At least her 1st day wasn't a 12 hour shift like mine!!

I'm reconsidering whether or not to go ahead and go full-time, I'm leaning more towards NO!! At least the current way I'm doing it, I have weekends off, and have the option to pick up days, if I want, which I have been doing, I have a few things I need to pay off, and VACATION in May, and I want some new toe rings from bike week, so I want the extra cash. Yeah toe rings, I have one from 2007, it's only been off my toe one time, and thats when I went in for the DNC I had to have after my miscarriage, it took almost 3 weeks to get used to that, but obviously I managed!!

Okay I feel a rambling coming on, and with me this tired that wouldn't be good!! I will talk to everyone either tomarrow evening, or Saturday. In the meantime, HAPPY 1ST DAY OF SPRING!!



Sunday, March 15, 2009

YES!!! I finally found my cheat sheet!! In my jeep, above my window visor!! I know, I know, I know!!! I'm an airhead and not afraid to admit it!!

I must say for my first Sampler box, I was quite pleased, and I was going to take pictures, but Ohio-Heather and I ate a few of the samples, while reviewing the samples, so therefore, since we ate a few things, I did not think it was fair, to take pictures and not have all of them in it!! SO I know, that a couple of you are anxious and curious, so lets get started!! These reviews are in no particular order.

1. From POOKIE- I recieved tangerine & vanilla lip balm, it was a nice sample, but neither I or Ohio-Heather really liked it. It just wasn't for us, so I gave it to someone who really did enjoy it!

2. STRAWBERRY FIELDS: Carpet Sprinkles, this was the neatest thing, in was scented in Lemon Pound Cake, and both Ohio-Heather & I really liked this concept. She says we'll also be trying this out, (in other words, it means we're going to try to make our own!!) Our husbands will appreciate, the extra messes at the house!!

3. ONE SCRAPPY CHIC- I recieved samples of mini-scrapbook/photo album card stock. It was a nice sample, I don't scrapbook though, I think my sister in law does, so I'll see if she wants the sample, I wish I had time to be extra creative!!

4. GEEK DETAILS- Well, I recieved a button that says I.W.I.N. I am not sure what that means, but it states that the button was not made in China, so I guess it is good that no jobs were lost in the process.

5. TARTAHOLIC- I recieved from SHeila, 4 cubes of the Butteredf Maple Oats & Honey!! all I can say is that I want to eat these, not burn them, they smell wonderful

6. M-D CANDLES- I am not reviewing my samples. If you want to know what my products smell like then you need to order!!! lol!!! just kidding!

7. EVERYDAY ECLECTIC- I recieved a nice soap sample in Farm Fresh Berries. It smells really good!

8. POLKA DOT CANDLE SHOP- I recieved a votive, in the scent Vanilla Cupcake, nice sample, scent isn't really for me.

9. WICK IT DESIGNS- Like I wrote in my review on the 2 crazy chics forum, I must have hit the jack pot!! with this company, I recieved a lotion sample, in pink sugar, a soap sample in lemongrass, bath salts in green tea & citrus, a tealight, in peony & fresh cut grass, 2 tealights in plum/vanilla, and a lavender & fig soy stick, (which I'm not sure what I am suppose to do with it) but am hoping someone will help me out with this!!

10. ANAM CARA CANDLES- I recieved a butterfly melt in the scent witches brew, which unfortunatley the melt broke during shipping.

11. HANDMADE CREATIONS BY C&K- Another candle melt, in fudge brownie, it smelled good, but again, the melt broke during shipping.

12. ANN'S CANDLES- I recieved a candle, in the scent Sandlewood, and a $5 off coupon.

13. SUMMERLAND SCRUBS- A Souffle Cream lotion, it is very nice & creamy and also recieved a coupon for free shipping with any order of $20 or more.

14.UGLY DUCKLING DESIGNS- I recieved wax crumbles in Irish Creme, and they had a shamrock in the bacg with them!! (Michelle must know I need a little extra luck!! lol) and a coupon for 25% off.

15. THE SWEET JELLYBEAN- I recieved 1 snickerdoodle cookie, which was very yummy!! and so soft, Ohio-Heather and I ate this while doing the reviews!!

16. SWEET MEMORIES & MORE- a chocolate bar, with a $5.00 coupon, hubby ate it!!

17. CUSTOM CANDY CREATIONS- I recieved a creamy chocolate cheesecake fudge, a peppermint stick, and apple candy with a 15 % coupon, Ohio-Heather and I split the fudge, and hubby ate the apple candy.

So there you have it!! My reviews for the Out Of The Box Sampler!! If you are interested in ordering one of these bad boys, head on over to http://outoftheboxsampler.com to see how you can get your own!! and you won't be disappointed!!

So thats what I have for today, I have to work the next 2 days, so I probably won't blog, but you never know!! Especially if I have to cook when I get home, I may just come in here to blow steam!! Remember that our giveaway wll be drawn on the 22nd. So if you haven't signed up please do so!! Remember whoever wins, gets $25 worth of products from my store!!

Happy Sunday!!


On A Mission

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hey everybody!! Well, I am happy to report I received my sampler box on Wednesday, probably would have gotten it Monday, but since I was working, and all, I couldn't get my mail until Wednesday. So I went to my friend's house, her name is also Heather, so I'll refer to her as Ohio Heather, well, I also have another Heather in my life, ya know her at Willow Lake's Scents, so not to confuse everyone including my self, my friend Ohio Heather, was with me to help do the reviews!! Which as soon as I find my paper I wrote it all down on, I'd be happy to tell ya all about them!!! Yes, I had a cheat sheet!!! and a lot of good it has done me!

Well, I have been cleaning again, in an effort to find my review paper, and also, since my son is coming here next Friday, I am unloading items over to our shed, hubby is not happy about doing that, but oh well!! Usually my son sleeps on the couch, here in our apartment, since the spare room is my candle creation lab, but I informed him, I was rearraging things, that way he can sleep on the mattresses, which he said he'd rather sleep on the couch, that way he can stay up all night watching tv while he's here, but told him no! the last time he was here, I watched him and hubby play "rock band", and ended up screwing up my sleep schedule, and now that I am working again, I can't be letting that happen.

Well, if you are a smoker like me, who has been trying hard, very hard to quit without getting any pills, and patches, I hope to be smoke-free by April 1st, when there will be a federal tax on the cigerettes, I guess if I can't spell it, I shouldn't be smoking!! So just to warn everyone if I'm a little bitcher than usual, Please bear with me. I'll be investing a lot more into lemon drops, I have heard, that the lemon drops help kill the nicotine in the back of your throat, I hope that is true!! Since starting work, I have cut back, which helps, but when I am not working, well, thats a different story.....

I also got my pictures of my new nephew, who looks identical, to his older brother!!! He is so cute, I will get to meet him this upcoming Friday, when I drive to Indiana to pick up my son, I plan on taking pictures, that way, I can post our family's new addition.

Well, thats all I got for now, so I am going to try to find my cheat sheet, and hopefully will have my reviews posted by this evening!!

Have a good Saturday evening!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Okay all, It's 11:30, and I should be in bed, but I'm not, I'm exhausted don't get me wrong, it"s just I still have to fill all my tea bottles for work tomarrow, and figure out what I am taking for lunch, since this nursing home doesn't provide meals for their staff. And that really sucks, cuz, there is hardly any room in the employee fridge!! I just don't understand, if your are done with your lunch, from the day before, have the courtesy to take out what you don't eat, and get it out of the fridge!! Thats 1 gripe out of the way......

Keep in mind, that on the days I work, I have to drag my butt out of bed at 5am, to ensure that my happy butt, is on time at 7am. which also sucks, cuz I'm not real big on mornings, so I already told you it was 11:30??? Well, I just ate supper at 10pm. GUESS WHO HAS BEEN HOME SINCE 4:30 this afternoon, guess who took a nap, guess who took another nap, while I was still in my scrubs, cooking supper??? NOT ME!!! you guessed it my juvinile deliquent, HUBBY!!!! Just when I think, I have made a point, or felt really good about getting my point across, I get screwed. Oh Yeah, guess who is in bed now, while I'm writing my blog?? hmmmmm. wonder........ yeah, NOT ME!!

So, I am still bummin, I can't get to the post office until Wednesday, thats my day off, so I am hoping, I have a good day at my local post office. So tomarrow, my 12 hour shift is going to drag, because now I have something to look forward to. Always my luck!!

So, on the upside, our reservations for the 2009 Myrtle Beach Bike Week are set!! I am ready!! I was really hoping to lose weight, I keep telling my husband I'm going to buy me some chaps, yeah the ones with nothing covering the butt cheeks??? He doesn't think its funny, I'd like to think I had enough confidence to actually pull something like that off, oh well, we leave in May, so I guess I'll keep teasing him up until the time we leave!! Its too funny, seeing him get all red in the face!! I know I am totally awful, but I JUST can't help it!!

So my good friend Heather, over at Willow Lakes Scents is having a giveaway, for her blog, her 100th post and so on, so everyone needs to head over there and check it out!! I already left my comment, letting her know which one I'd take when she drew my name!! I also told her I wasn't going to blog about it until she emailed me back, but... I do somwhat have a heart, even though she hasn't emailed me yet.

And last but not least, before I head off here, to make my lunch for Tuesday, oh nevermind, I just forgot what I was going to write about..... I hate it when that happens..... Well, since I know Heather is going to read this, (she'll kill me) acne is starting, does that mean what I think it does, since for the past 2 months we have something in common???? (bloating) HINT!!!! OH YEAH!!! I'll get a rise out of Heather for that one!!!

Have a happy Tuesday!!

SEE YA!!!!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hey everyone!! Hope your Saturday is going great!! Here in Ohio, it's partly cloudy/partly sunny, and NICE outside!!! I just returned from the post office and tanning, and looked at the themometer (yes, I spelled it wrong!!), and it said 74!! awesome!!

So i'm bumming, because, I was hoping my Out Of The Box Sampler came in, and it didn't!!! AND Heather was suppose to send me a box of goodies, and it didn't come in, and my sis, was suppose to send me pictures of my new nephew, Kalob, and that didn't even come in!!! So for the last two people I mentioned, you are my NAUGHTY list!!! shame on both of you girls!! lol

But the upside, is my husband left this morning to help a friend take trash to the local dump, and this was stopping off at the BMV, to get the new tags for our Harley!!! YEAH!!!!!! I'm so excited, I've been waiting for this since last October, thats when we rode last, we went to the Fall Rally in Daytona, and spent the week with my brother/sister-in law. It was awesome.

So for the rest of today, since I have nothing to go through, and hubby won't be home for awhile, because they are also working on his friends house, I will be spring cleaning!! YUCK!!! and cleaning out the candle room, and going through everything and making sure everything is in the right place, and I may start working on my samples for April's OOTB. (maybe). It's so nice out, I really don't want to spend it all indoors, and tomarrow, its calling for thunderstorms!!

I have noticed we picked up a few more followers!! YIPPIE!!!! thanks to all of you who are following. I hope you all continue to follow, I have fun rambling, and picking on Heather over at Willow Lake Scents!! and of course, when I'm pissed, I don't have problems sharing!! I must tell you, I do vent a lot!!, but I want the people that are following me, to know all aspects of me, your not gettting anything phony!!, I'm an honest person, and if I can't be honest with myself, how can I be honest with all of you. So, you're getting the good the bad and the ugly!! lol.

Well, I'm off to the spring cleaning mode!! FEEL FREE to find me, and come save me!! I'd pay someone right now to come and spring clean for me!! Happy Saturday!!


Oh My!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh my!! My day was pretty good today, I was off, still sick, stuffed up nose and all, I had made a deal with myself to do as little as possible, you know, housework, laundry, etc. And I feel pretty darn good that I stuck with my guns!! hehe
I did manage to get dressed, go to the post office, and go tan. I also managed to list our giveaway on about 4-5 sites, so with that in mind, I have changed the deadline of our giveaway, it is no longer March 15th, but is now schedule to be drawn on March 22nd. To ensure that everyone who is interested in our little giveaway, gets a chance to get in on the GREAT Giveaway!!
I am pleased to announce, that in a few days, I will be the proud owner of my very 1st Out of the Box Sampler!! I have been a contributor since October, and never had the extra moo-lah to purchase me a box, well today I spoiled myself!! and I think that will be a monthly thing, to spoil myself and not feel guilty, its not like hubby is buying it, I am back to work!! So I will be doing a review of the Sampler Box after I recieve it, I can honestly say I have been kicking my self in the rear-end for not being able to get one!!
So, in about 2 weeks, my baby will be visiting me!! I always get excited when he comes to stay with us, this time he asked if he could bring his girlfriend??? HELLO!!!! Not happening!!! My baby is 16, he lives in Indiana with his Grandparents, a situation I do not like, but it makes him happy, I think if we would have moved here before the "teen years" kicked in, I think he would have been okay with moving, but he wasn't making any friends, and he terribly missed my dad & my brother & sister, so I know I should have put my foot down, and said no, but at the same time, I didn't want him to hate me, I'd like to think, that coming here to visit & stay gives him something to look forward to, especially since his current home life situation with his grandmother stinks, (in an earlier post, I said she was going in for surgery on March 23rd, she is having half of her right kidney removed). Which I found out earlier this evening, from my sister who stated that mom wasn't to concerned if I was going to be there for her surgery, but thought it was awful that I was coming to get my son, on his Spring Break, and him not going to at the hospital for her surgery. Which as a daughter, makes me feel like crap, knowing that she really doesn't want me there, so I emailed my dad, and let him know what I thought. Especially since I had already told my father, my brother, my sister, and sister -in-law, and my son, that I WAS going to be there for her surgery. I plan on still being there for her surgery, wanted or un-wanted I will be there.
THe thing that makes me mad, is my parents are Ministers, in a Quaker Church, my dad is great at his services, mom well, we won't go there. Lets just say she doesn't practice what she preaches, she passes judgement, she hold grudges, she gossips about other people, and at times she's been known to cuss a tad, all while studying to be a minister. My dad lost his job back in October, and in Feb. was able to get a job at the place he formally worked at, little less pay, but a job regardless, though it only lasts till sometime this summer, it's still a job, the man he replaced went to work where my brother-inlaw works, and my dad had asked how he was doing, my stated that the guy went out and got a "real job", which makes me furious, my dad married my mother in 1973, worked at GM, retired and has had several jobs since retiring, I do believe my dad has earned a whole lot of respect from my mother, which he doesn't get.
I guess I am still a little peeved, over my conversation with my sister earlier this evening, but I had to rant and rave, and hubby isn't home from work yet, and the dog just looks at me like I have totally lost my mind!! which I guess in some ways maybe I have.. As you can tell, I come from a dysfunctional family, and it all started in the womb!!
Well, I have to work tomarrow, so I need to get lunch ready and my bottles of iced tea ready, I take about 4 20oz bottles filled with tea, since I have had this crappy cold, I can't seem to get enough to drink!! Well enjoy your day, and I'll check back in tomarrow!! and I guess I should have named this blog "As The World Turns!!"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Okay, its been a few days, and I am getting back in the groove of things, I'm still sick, I bought some new over the counter medicine, that so fars seems to be working for now. I had been trying most of the day to get on facebook, and up until about an hour ago, was finally able to get on!! I had sooooo many drinking requests, I probably should be drunk by now!! lol.

Today, I called Heather from Willow Lake Scents, finally decided it was time to put a voice with the face, and let me tell you, I was blown away by her New Yorker accent!! She was surprised I caught it, I told her the only reason I caught it was because I watch a lot of Law & Order episodes!! I thought it was funny!! Then she made an statement in one of her emails she sent later, that I sounded like I was from the South?? Well, the only explanation I have, would be I listen to country music, could that be it?? then I thought nahhhh, then I narrowed it down, I tend to watch the comedy channel, especially when they have Larry the Cable Guy, and Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White, thats probably more logical!! as in Larry's words "thats funny stuff right there, I don't care who you are"!! Yep I guessing thats where my southern accent comes from! "Git r done!!!

So I have been waiting for my tv show to come back on the air, which is Saving Grace. It airs on TNT on Monday nights,, at 10pm. Yes! I am plugging this show, I fell in love with from the beginning, I love the way her character is, my mom on the other hand would disagree, thats the only thing we agree on, is that we will always disagree with each other. She thinks its rauncy, I think its awesome!! There are some days I wish I could be like Holly Hunter's character, to have the boldness, in total control, self confidence. All of that, not necessarily, all the sleeping around she does, but all the other stuff, if you get a chance tune into on TNT. You can catch the full episodes on TNT's website also, ya know to catch you up.

The Sampler boxes goes on sale today, so head over to http://www.outoftheboxsampler.com to get yours, am happy to say, after contributing since last October, I FINALLY get to buy a box!! I am sooooo happy, and I will be doing a review of the Sampler Box, here on my blog, so in the next week or so, keep watching for the review.

As you all know, I am having my first giveaway here on my own blog, if you win, you get $25.00 worth of products!! And the BEST thing is, all the products you get to choose!! So tell your friends, fellow bloggers, your neighbors, let them all know!! As of right now, "you know who" is in the lead according to my calculations!! Some one has got to stop her!!! lol, YES!!! I love picking on Heather, who has so generously given me the name HUSSY! Which I told her I liked, I might have to make a shirt for myself that says that!

Well, I am going to bed, it's 12:33 in the morning, and my nite-time medicine is kicking in!! tomarrow I will be back to blogging, and joining some new things and listing the giveaway on other blogs, If you are currently following my blog, and have made comments, You get 10 extra points for blogging about my giveaway!! Happy bloggin!! and good-nite


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