crazy chics

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So, I have been playing around on the computer 1/2 of the day now, and I wanted this badge on the side, and could figure how in the heck to get it there!! Oh well, whatcha gonna do??? So, if you all have noticed, Jenn done a fantastic job on the makeover, I get all excited when I log in and see it.

So if you have noticed my new badge, it all because of Sheila & Michelle!! These are 2 crazy chics! Between them both, I think they have a million websites, blogs, and so on!! hehe LOL, not really, but I bet by the end of their day, it feels like that. I couldn't even think of starting another business, I'm still learning about the one I have, let alone, trying to figure out all this blogger stuff, and facebook. and they are facebook too. Head on over to 2 Crazy Chic's and check them out, join them, it's FREE!!! what do you have to lose?? Nothing, but you can gain some information on business, and make A lot of new friends. Go check out those crazy ladies, and tell them Misty from M-D sent ya!!


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