Been MIA!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So, yes, I have been MIA for awhile, a lot has been going on, here on the homefront, which is making it very difficult to get anything done! My computer has been down also, which is more frustrating for me, because I couldn't get any of the info I needed, for some very important business transactions!! I thought I had the problem solved, and was wable to be on the computer 1 day, and then bam!! my computer was crap again!! Just got it back a few hours agao, so hopefully, things will be alright now.

My part-time job, is starting to feel the effects of the economy, we all wondered when it would happen for us in the healthcare field, and it happened last Friday, at a mandatory meeting, we are losing 4% of our pay, starting in a few weeks, so now, I have to find a part-time job, to help my part-time job, to help my part-time candle business, sounds very confusing doesn't it?? It very difficult to say!! 4% doesn't sound like a lot, but it is, I will be losing a dollar and some change, but each week, it all adds up, and when the paychack arrives, it will be a big wake-up call to all of us!! With medicaid and medicare not going to pay for certain services, like oxygen, transportation, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and a few more things, the nursing homes will have to start paying for the services! Which really sucks!

I guess, I should I should be really thankful that I have a job, because sooooo many don't right now, and I am very thankful believe me!! Work for hubby has been super slow this summer, normally he is brings home some very nice checks, and this summer, they have been steady checks, just not the ones he or I like!! Between candle supplies, and the Harley Davidson stores, they are probably wondering where we are at!! lol

Well, I have to finish some things before bed, I have to work in the morning, and it will be a long one tomarrow, I have more orders to get ready, and have to work on my samples for OOTB for September, and do a candle basket for a charity event for next weekend. So, I will talk to you all in a few days, if not sooner, as long as the computer cooperates!!


Been Busy!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The last few weeks I have been busy with work and spending time with my son, since he has been here visiting, I will get to see him this next weekend and other family whenI go back to Indiana for a family reunion! YESSSSS! the dreaded family reunion's! lol...Wouldn't be so bad if my cousins who are around my age would be there, but mostly, its just gonna be the older generation, and my brother and his wife and daughter, and my sister & her husband and their 3 kids!! YIPPIE!!! Don't figure they would mind if we brought a cooler of beer to get through the day?? (not hardly, they are all RELIGIOUS!!, guess I'll stick with my diet coke!)

And the past few weeks also, I have been busy getting all my samples ready for the Out of the Box Sampler, and Michelle has been having a contest for July, and that has made me very busy! I'm in no way complaining, I'd rather be making candles, then working at the nursing home, its just right now, the nursing home pays a little bit better! lol Isn't that the way it always works?? The stuff you would rather be doing is so far out of reach, and the stuff the you really wish you weren't doing is the only thing thats is reach! dang it all to ####!!!

So we were planning on having a little get together with friends for Goof's birthday, (which the little fart had the nerve to turn 17 TODAY!! OMG!!), but he decided he didn't really want a party, he just wanted us to take him out to eat, which I was cool with that idea too, maybe go bowling, I'd like to go to the Cheesecake Factory, of course not to eat, but to get cheesecake!! They have the Turtle Cheesecake which is my favorite, I always wish I had enough money to buy the whole damn thing, but it would be gone in less than a day, I would rather eat that than regular food!! I KNOW!!! i'm a pig when it comes to cheesecake!

So I think I told you about my 20 year class reunion coming up in September?? (yeah, i'm talking about eating a whole thing of freaking turtle cheesecake!), I'm getting a little excited, not to much though, its been almost 20 years since I have seen some of them, I hope we all don't have expectations that we all look the same as we did in high school, if thats the case, I'm about 50lbs heavier!! thats bad, maybe it would have looked so bad wrote down, if I had stated 50 in 40 years!! lmao!

Oh well, we are waiting for goof to take a shower, so we can go eat, (he's texting his woman!) the only time I have had my phone in my hand, is when I have been at work, he normally gives it back, AFTER the battery is about dead!! I'll try to take pictures tonite, the word be TRY!! he's a booger about getting his picture taken, not a booger, but a real pain in the rear, he ALWAYS does something stupid to ruin a perfectly good picture, if he pulls that crap, I'll post all pictures to show you all what I go through!! lol

Well, I'm off and running to get his butt in gear!! Have a good weekend!!


Come On Weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Me I'm waiting for Saturday morning to get here! I'm leaving Saturday morning, to make the 3 1/2 drive to Indiana, to pick up my son "Goof"!! Whoo-hoo!. He'll be staying with us until sometime after his birthday, which is August 1st, so I guess the next available day I have off, will be the day I take him back.

Well, remember how I was feeling guilty because the jeep blew up, and he wouldn't be able to have it?? Well, problem has been solved, my grandmother, has been gracious enough to "loan" him the money to get his first car! (maybe it's a good thing I live in Ohio!) I'm just kidding, he is a very good driver, I let him drive back the last time he was here, and I must say, he drove like a 100 year old!! I'm sure that was just for show, but whewwww, my husband and son talk about how slow I drive??

Well, between working at the nursing home, and recieving on-line orders, and trying to get my samples done for the sampler box for August, I'm just totally wore the heck out! I was making good time with everything, and now.....well, thats just another story saved for another day! Warning to Michelle, i'll be cutting the deadline close!! again, as usual! (hopefully she has gotten used to me by now!)

So do you have a craft business?? well, if you do, and would like some free advertising, head over to and sign up! I did this evening, of course I had been trying for a few days, I finally had to get a hold of Tami, and now I have things listed on that site. But the cool thing is, its totally free unless you would be interested in paying for some spots that are available. You can advertise your blogs there, and Twitter, and I even promoted my mdcandles facebook page there!

Well, thats all I have for today/tonite, and by the way, the truck up at the top is mine! and it is working great now! I guess the wheel bearings in both the back tires had to be replaced, and all I can say now, is that hubby is jealous, because my truck is a bad ass 4wheel drive (his isn't, haha), and my truck has a kick ass radio (his is okay, another haha), and last but not least I think it is BIGGER!! So really, guess who wear the pants here!! I have to pick on my husband, its the right thing to do!! I'm really showing him some love, because he would do the same forsure with me!

Oh, I almost forgot, I found out today, on facebook (of course!) that I have my 20th year HIGH SCHOOL REUNION coming up in September! hmmmmm, how does that make me feel, well old of course, its was easier turning 39 in June, but I'm sure it will be a blast! We'll all get a buzz on, and since we are legal this time, maybe some of them from high school won't get taken to jail, like they did for SENIOR SKIP DAY!! I was so glad, I spent my senior skip day at the Honeycreek mall in Terre Haute! What a surprise it was when I came home, and saw 1/2 of our gradutaing senior class being walked to the local jail! Memories! GOTTA LOVE THEM! GO CLASS OF 1989!

Okay, well thats it for me!!

Been A While

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Friday out there in bloggerville!! It's been awhile since I have posted anything, as some as you may know, I have been on the hunt for a vehicle, mine, well, the engine blew! GOOD NEWS!! I finally got a truck!! Yep, I got a truck, I actually got it on Tuesday (of this week), and I had it a little under a day, and it's been in the shop!! I KNOW!!!!!

When I went to this dealership on Monday, after I got off work, after all the number crunching, and all that, it was basically time for them to close, so I wasn't able to test drive this truck, so I went to get it Tuesday, I had it off the lot for about 10-15 minutes, and had it right back up there, there was a terrible screeching noise, and of course the ABS light was on, so I took it up there Thursday, they have been nice enough to give me a loaner, and now, I'm waiting for them to call, so I can get my truck! BEARINGS went out in the back, I'm not sure what a bearing is, all I know it makes a terrible screeching noise.

I'll post a picture of this new truck, as soon as I'm done with this blog. I only have one, and it is the one I took with my cell phone, its an older truck, has a lot of miles, at this point, I don't care, all I want is a vehicle, and the fact that it is 4 wheel drive and my husbands truck isn't is pretty cool to me!! terrible aren't I?? He is already calling dibs for it, come hunting season, when they go to Jackson Ohio for hunting, the last time I let him take my vehicle, it came back trashed with mud, and smelled like, well men who didn't know how to take a bath! for a week! I am thinking do I?? or do I not let him use my new truck??? Hunting season is still several months away, and so I have some time to think about it.

So, remember, we are having a sale on our website, 25% off, and if you have a cart value, over $5.00, you recieve FREE SHIPPING! How cool is that!?? So head on over and see what we have, ya know I like to stay busy, working at the nursing home just isn't enough for me!! lol

I wasn't able to get a sampler box from Out Of The Box Samplr this month, I was really bummed, but I needed every bit of extra money I had, for a down payment for a vehicle, but hopefully next month, I get one, and be able to post reviews. Speaking of the Out of The Box Sampler, I am the box sponsor for August, so please make sure you order one. I'm excited, I have been working on my samples, and have all these things I want to do, but money is always an issue with me, especially since I want to send in samples that will rock, I have a 5th avenue taste, on a dollar store budget!! Holy crap! Did I really just admit that!!?? oh well, we're all friends here on this crazy blog!!

Okay well, thats it for now, I'm going to post that picture!!



Thursday, July 2, 2009

So the "birthday sale" here at M-D Candles has ended, and a special "THANKS" to everyone that took advantage of that! Well, now I'm offering another GREAT deal!! From now until August 15th, you can now get 25% off, and with a minimum cart value of $5.00, you can recieve "FREE" shipping!! Just use the code "summer sale".

Yep, I am on a mission to keep the summer going!! I have to to be upbeat and positive, nothing brings you down, like a blown engine!! lol.....So I am keeping my spirits high and negative thinking at a low!

As for my car problems.....Still looking!! It is such a pain in the rear to try and find a vehicle, especially since we both work, and if I'm off, he's working or he's off and I'm working!! we just can't seem to find a happy medium!! Last night I had planned to going to Columbus, and that was just put on the back burner until today, hubby called me last nite, to say he was stranded!! I was like, can't help ya, I don't have a vehicle remember?? his a/c froze up, and something about a belt, that controls EVERYTHING, on his truck, so a friend of his picked him up, brought him home, then we took the bike, to go get a belt, to put on his truck, that would by-pass the a/c all together!! WHEWWWW!!! so it's been a little frustrating here!

And, on another note, there won't be any reviews for the OOTB Sampler this month!! Since, I am looking for another vehicle, I need to save back as much as I can, for a down payment, and every little bit helps! The Sampler boxes went on sale yesterday, I am not sure if they have sold out yet, but you can go to , and see!! and tell Michelle, Misty sent ya!!

Back to car hunting on the web! Have a GREAT Thursday, and if I am not back to blogging by the 4th, HAVE AN AWESOME 4TH OF JULY AND BE SAFE!!


Car Shopping is a #!#!#

Saturday, June 27, 2009

As all of you know, my car went up in smoke, literraly. (ya I know its spelled wrong!!) And now trying to find a vehicle is just impossible!! I was off yesterday and today, and of course, hubby worked yesterday and now TODAY!!! And I go back to work tomarrow, and I can't seem to find a happy medium!

I knew I would be looking for another vehicle, I paid the old one off, I had, had it since 2003, and I did promise it to my son, I thought it would be a good vehicle for his 1st car, it would have been paid for, and all he would have to worry about was keeping insurance on it, and of course maintenance, and gas in it. He was excited, because he would be able to find a job, and not depend on my parents to get him to where he needed to go, I think my parents were excited, that way they wouldn't have to give up their vehicles!

So I broke down and told him the bad news, he was BUMMED!! But then the next day, him and my Dad went to Terre Haute, IN for something and stopped at a few car lots, and that was kind of exciting for him, he did say if he heard this one salesman, go on 1 more time about how a vehicle had "cool, cool air conditioning" he was going to scream!! I told him, that is just one of a saleman's pitch, in order to sell a car, he said it was annoying as heck!! But it was funny to hear him go on and on about vehicles he liked, kind of reminded me how I was, and my brother was and probably how my sister was!! Like he was the first 16 year old to ever go car shopping.

Needless to say, I still feel kind of guilty, but then again, I am a mom, and wanted to do something nice for him, he is such a GOOD kid! I still wish he lived here with us, maybe soon, maybe after he graduates, right now he has a girlfriend, and of course, "girls rule"?? Really!!! I never had that much em-empowerment over a boy, at least not while I was a freshman! His girlfriend is a freshman, thats why I said that!!

So I have been on-line since last night, looking up whatever info I could at local dealers, and wherever I could go to find a vehicle, I know what I want, I don't want a car, I have compresion fractures in my back, so if a car sit toooo low, then it hurts my back, and since I have had my jeep, I sit up a little higher, and my back don't hurt, and I am not as nervous, passing a semi in an suv than what I was in a car! I have always wanted the older style of a Dodge Durango, I love that style, and I always here, you don't want one of those, the transmissions are crap, get a new style, they are more improved?? What?? Really?? I hate the new style of Durango's, I don't like how they look from the front, but then again, they have a HEMI!!! I don't really think I need that much power, it just seem like another way for me to get in trouble!!

Well, I had to take a break from searching the internet for cars, and I think I may go do some laundry, after a while on this machine, I feel like I am slighly cross-eyed!! As soon as I find a vehicle, I am going to take pictures and show you all what I got!! If I ever find anything, and if I can get my hubby to take me somewhere to even look, I would like to test drive the new camaro for shits and giggles!!


Can my day get any worse??

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If reading yesterdays post made you think "oh my"!! and I'm sure it did, I am not one for holding back, I stated earlier when I first started my blog, that what you read basically is what you get, it may be about candles, or it may just be about my family, my job, or whatever! Yesterday you all got the low-down, on the current family situation, today, well, the last 24 hours have been a real joy!!

Saturday, my husband and our neighbor, put new rotars, brakes, drums for back of my jeep, and did an oil change, and changed the oil filter, which by the way took most of my day off Saturday to do, (they're men, they aren't very motivated), yesterday I noticed a noise on my way home from work coming from the front end, and said something to my husband, and that is pointless, because he's a floor guy, not a mechanic, and I must have been speaking every other language, except english, which at this point is understandable!!

Today, I went to a gas station, where they have actual mechanics, and they heard the noise, and said it was some sort of rod, and the only way that caould be fixed, was to get a new engine! GREAT!! Like I have extra money just laying around on my coffee table or up my butt, to be able to throw down $1000.00 and thats beign cheap, to buy a new engine, and thats including whatever I would be charged for time and labor, or anything else! The mechanic stated that "god knows when it will give out" GUESS WHAT???? 30 minutes later......... You guessed it, it blew up!! This is the same vehicle, I am suppose to give to my son, not likely to happen now, and I am trying very hard how to tell him, it will devastate him, just like it devasted me, to sit on the side of the road for 45 minutes trying to call my hubby, who was out in out garden, and left his phone in the truck!!

Does life get any better than this?? All my readers, basically just got a 2 for 2 Tuesday! How awesome of me to be able to give you quality entertainment! So now, I have to find a new vehicle, try to pick up more hours at work to help put a nice down payment on a vehicle, and I just got paid yesterday, and I am about broke!! WHats a girl to do??? Later I am locking myslef in the bathroom, with the cake I just made, and drown my sorrows in a bubble bath eating my cake!

And I just want to thank Linda, for some words of encouragement, Ohio is not a bad place to live, I am still getting used to it, and there are some days, I have to mapquest my rear end around to find out where to go!! Maybe by the time I have been here 5 years, I might have gotten a grip!!

See YA!

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